The Isolite® Illuminated Dental Isolation System allows our dentist to gently and comfortably clean and examine patients’ teeth. This dental isolation device illuminates with a bright, shadowless LED light rated to last over 5,000 hours. The fingertip-control LED light settings also allow our dentist to switch between five different light modes. These varying intensities, as well as a “CURE-SAFE” mode, increase visibility and protect light-sensitive materials within a patient’s mouth.
The Isolite Control Head Assembly is durably built with titanium and only weighs 2.5 ounces. The lightweight assembly also provides two continuous vacuum channels. These channels are also hands-free in order to improve maneuverability. The continuous suction also significantly decreases the amount of aerosol particles in the air during most dental procedures, which use ultrasonic and high speed hand pieces.
The Control Head’s dual vacuum controls enable our dentist to adjust suction according to moisture and oral humidity in the upper or lower quadrants of a patient’s mouth. The Isolite’s vacuum and power hose is integrated into the Isolate system. Made of flexible silicone and over six feet long, the hose easily connects into most standard U.S. two-prong electrical outlets. All these features allow our team to easily maneuver the device, improving treatment and preventing patient discomfort. Talk to our dentist to learn more about how our office uses the Isolite Illuminated Dental Isolation System to give you quality dental treatment.